V.R. “A2” Class Steam Locomotive

V.R. “A2” Class Steam Locomotive

Posted in: News


1st April 2012


We would like to let all of our customers know that there are limited numbers left of the Victorian Railways “A2” Class Steam Locomotive 4-6-0 1950-1960s Stephenson’s Valve Gear. If you are interested then don’t leave it too long and miss out. This will complete a very successful project so don’t delay.


HO-Scale Victorian Railways “A2” Class Steam Locomotive 4-6-0 1950s-1960s Stephenson valve gear nearly all gone!

Project Update – 4th September 2011

We would like to remind those of you who have not purchased your Locomotive to make contact as soon as possible. With most versions already accounted for there are only a small number of models still available.

Don’t miss out!

Latest News – Victorian Railways “A2” Class Steam Locomotive 4-6-0
Project Update – 14th April 2011

To: All HO-Scale Victorian Railways “A2” Class Steam Locomotive 4-6-0 Customers

From: John Della

Precision Scale Models would like to thank it’s customers for their patience with the delay of the Victorian Railways “A2″ Class Steam Loco. However, we are very pleased to announce that these locomotives will now be available at The Exhibition of Australian Model Railways 2011.

The Hobson’s Bay Model Railway Club Exhibition

Saturday, 23rd April, 2011 – Sunday, 24th April, 2011

Collingwood College

10:00am to 5:00pm
Hoddle Street, Collingwood
Enter via Campbell Street entrance. (Melways ref 2C G9)

Looking forward to seeing you there!


Project Update – 14th January 2011

To: All HO-Scale Victorian Railways “A2″ Class Steam Locomotive 4-6-0 Customers

From: John Della

Happy New Year to you all and may your 2011 be filled with much joy and success.

Precision Scale Models took delivery of the above new model Victorian Railways “A2″ Class locomotives around Christmas. It was a inconvenient time to examine and appraise the project as quickly and as thoroughly as is necessary. After extended deliberation we decided not to release the models immediately because of some imperfections in their build detail. If we are not absolutely happy with a model we return to our supplier Ajin of Korea for appropriate modifications, as we have done in this case.

We did not take this decision lightly. We understand the disappointment this will cause many of you, our loyal customers, who have been eagerly anticipating this release. However perfection is our passion and Precision Scale Models’ motto is “Quality Without Compromise”. We have no intention of supplying a model that does not meet, or exceed, “Museum Quality”.

As PSM exclusively airfreight our range of hand-crafted, quality brass models, any waiting time will be minimised. You can monitor the progress of these new Victorian Railways “A2″ Class releases on the Precision Scale Models website:


Thank You